I wanted to start this blog to give back to the many blogs that my husband and I read during our journey to adopt a Vizsla. Those blogs not only helped confirm our decision to adopt a Vizsla, but also have helped us understand the many stages of puppyhood - what's normal and what's not. Plus - who doesn't want to see pictures of a Vizsla?!

Ildi is a Hungarian Vizsla who was born Nov.4, 2009 and joined our Calgary household in Jan. 2010 at 11 weeks old.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 16: still refusing to go on walks

ok - this is really starting to concern me. Ildi is getting worse at refusing to go on walks; now I can barely get her down the front the steps. When she finally does, she takes a few steps and sits down and sometimes even lies down. And she sits facing the direction we came from (the house) - she also seems like she's shaking, is she scared of something. Is she wanting Chad back, or not wanting to leave the house in case Chad comes back? It's making me frustrated and I'm sure it stresses her too, not to mention she's not getting all the exercise she needs.

I'm trying to do some research on this - it almost seems like she's developed a new fear? I found some forums where people had the same problem, one person's advice was to drive somewhere different and then take her for a walk. So I tried that - we drove to the little shopping centre near our house -that way I figured she could also meet more people and have a new experience of seeing cars, a parking lots etc.

She loved the trip - she did forget about her fear for awhile; likely because as soon as she sees another person it catches her attention and makes her want to go meet that person. That will be a new challenge - try to get her used to people so that she doesn't get so excited to see/meet them.

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