I wanted to start this blog to give back to the many blogs that my husband and I read during our journey to adopt a Vizsla. Those blogs not only helped confirm our decision to adopt a Vizsla, but also have helped us understand the many stages of puppyhood - what's normal and what's not. Plus - who doesn't want to see pictures of a Vizsla?!

Ildi is a Hungarian Vizsla who was born Nov.4, 2009 and joined our Calgary household in Jan. 2010 at 11 weeks old.

Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16: Ildi has worms

Chad discovered this week that Ildi has Roundworm - gross! He saw the worm in her poop - looked like a rubber band - a few inches long! so we got her medication asap, but it will take a few weeks for it do it's job in killing everything. poor girl!

On other health news, the vet confirmed this week that all her puppy teeth have come out, so she now just needs to her adult teeth to all come in - she still has a few blank spots. And I have to say that she seems to be handling teething fairly well. From all the books we've read we were expecting a horrible time with her chewing everything in site, but I would say her chewing has decreased - as she gets older and older. You hear the odd moan from her when she's just sitting around (guessing her teeth are hurting) and that's the really the only indication that she's teething.

we've had an interesting week too - we've been walking another dog on both of our daily walks (as they're out of town) so Ildi has had a constant companion. Luckily they get along great and Gretta (a type of collie maybe?) loves to play and puts up with Ildi grabbing at her neck fur the whole time. It tires them both out though which is great! though last night we took Ildi on a short night time walk - thinking we would try to play some fetch with her and when we let her off in our usual field she wasn't coming back. Even running in the opposite direction as us and heading towards Sarcee Trail (a busy 4 lane road). Perhaps this misbehaving is a result of not having structured walks for a week? or maybe she's going through a rebellious phase (though I think she might be a little young for that phase). Needless to say she won't be getting any off leash time once Gretta's not on our walks with us.

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