I wanted to start this blog to give back to the many blogs that my husband and I read during our journey to adopt a Vizsla. Those blogs not only helped confirm our decision to adopt a Vizsla, but also have helped us understand the many stages of puppyhood - what's normal and what's not. Plus - who doesn't want to see pictures of a Vizsla?!

Ildi is a Hungarian Vizsla who was born Nov.4, 2009 and joined our Calgary household in Jan. 2010 at 11 weeks old.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

May 23: Ildi is spayed

wow - it's been too long since I wrote and actually there has been a fair amount going on for little Ildi.
The biggest news is that she got spayed last week. It was probably harder on the humans than her! I hated that she was staying overnight at the vet; imagining her all by herself in a kennel for the evening. She's so used to our laps on the couch - how would she survive?! But when we picked her up the next morning she seemed her usual self and all the staff seemed to have loved her - she so social!

We weren't sure what to expect after her surgery; would she be groggy, low energy, etc... she seemed like herself though. Though she didn't get any walks for 2 days and she wasn't bouncing off the walls, so I guess she was lower energy than usual.
We took it easy on her and walked her for only short ones for the next 3 days, but you could tell she wanted more. It was amazing that she had all her usual energy and seemed to be in no pain.
It's been a week since surgery and we have her back to normal walks (2x/ day at 45min each), but always on the leash and never in the dog park. I can just picture her getting rolled by another dog and her stitches coming out. She seems to be in a little more pain now though, we notice that sometimes she when she's lying down, she'll whine and then try to changes positions - even a standing-up-sleep (leaning against the couch). The incision site itself is starting to look much worse too - I might call the vet on Monday in fact. While it doesn't seem infected (warm or pussy), it has gotten hard and raised (like from beneath the skin) and only now is starting to lick it.

Other than that, we have been using this time to really practice our walks with her. We have a new harness (the Gentle Leader Easy Walk harness) that has been working out really well and we've been practicing 'heel' by turning direction 180 degrees when she pulls and some positive reinforcement with her favourite Buddy Biscuits when she looks at us while walking.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May 1: a dog's life

this made me laugh! I taught Ildi that she could look out over the front balcony and she loves it! she checks the world out, wags her tail when she sees people walking by, she looks so human when looking out :)
then she played with a rock and napped in the sun.

I now understand the saying 'it's a dogs life'...